Thursday, August 20, 2009

the car.

once upon a time, there was a man who bought a car. the car was a BMW. it was silver. it was shiny and silver. the man named the car Glaschan Unthaya. yes, the name was weirder than the cow's.
so one day, the man took the car for a drive. he drove it along the streets of mexico. after that, there was a lady who had baseball bats for legs, showed up in the middle of the road and pointed out her right leg towards the car. the leg poked the guy right in the eye and went to the brain. the guy was killed.
after that, the lady threw the guy out and took the car and drove away. after a few minutes, she realized that she didn't know how to drive and the face that she can never drive with her baseball bat-legs. she panicked and drove into a lake. she was killed also.

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