Thursday, December 17, 2009

so it's been a while.

once there was a girl. she walked along the street and got herself killed by a cat. the cat jumped on her and bit her wrist and blood were all over the place. so she died out of loosing too much blood.

this girl had parents. after they got the news of their daughter being dead and all, they were so happy and decided to have a party. the party is to celebrate the death of their daughter. they hated her that much mostly because she was a fan of jacob black, while her parents were a fan of edward cullen. so this is kinda like team jacob vs. team edward.

since the girl was dead and all. she became a ghost. so she decided to haunt and/or kill people. she was so sad and angry that her parents threw a party because of her death. anger ran through her dead and ghostly veins. but the first person she wanted to kill was edward cullen.

so she went to arizona or wherever shit edward lives at. found edward. but then, edward killed the girl before she killed him. well you know, since edward was like this super glitter guy who can read minds and all. so he read her mind and killed her first.

at least it was a happy ending though. as the parents, who were on team edward, didn't die. so fuck jacob. go edward! *rolls eyes very hardly*